
the trail of a family becoming


「囡囡呀,Do you like Cello?」










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Filed by edmund at 3.53 pm under Family |


  1. Peggy

    好呀﹗最好學埋ice hockey。不過唔可以埋沒Jocelyn 嘅音樂感﹐不如大D叫佢去學捽碟吖﹖肯定型爆﹗

  2. Charis


  3. We haven’t decide yet. But for sure she will enroll in some music program (any suggestion, Charis?).

    As for Taekwondo, we have no intention to be the first ever parents who get killed by a 3-year old, so….

  4. Joanna

    really? is that a REAL conversation between you guys?

  5. By “you guys”, you mean Jocelyn and I? Yes, it is real. We always talk a lot every morning when I drive her to school.

  6. Joanna

    OMG…does she really know what is Taekwondo? that’s just so cute!

  7. Well, she knows because she had her birthday party at YMCA. And the other room besides us happened to have a bunch of kids playing Taekwondo that day…

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