
the trail of a family becoming

Learn how to use your tools

If you made the decision to use powerpoint as your tool to do presentations, for heaven’s sake, learn how to use it!!! I mean, learn how to use it effectively and engagingly.

Just a couple pointers:

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Filed by edmund at 5.38 pm under Culture,Tech |


  1. Peggy

    so…just wondering….do u think a pastor should consider incorporating some of these “skills” into the sermons?

  2. My thought is, if you decide to use powerpoint when you preach, then for crying out loud, get some advice to do a better job with the tool you use!!

    But of course, some pastors choose not to use powerpoint, even then there are still rhetoric skills that we should learn to employ.

    Paul, Jesus are great examples who know their craft of public speaking in the ancient world.

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