
the trail of a family becoming

bloggers, where art thou?


Anson, Charis, Cecilia, Fanny, Horace, Ivon, Jenny W, Jessica, Joanna W, Kan, Karen, Karen X, Kevin, Margaret, Peggy, Tammy,
Tim, Vincent, Winnie…


  • Anson (once a month?)
  • Fanny (twice a week)
  • Joanna W (every 2 weeks?)
  • Karen (every 2 weeks)
  • Karen X (once a week?)
  • Peggy (once a week)
  • Vincent (as mentioned below) …

我想,大部份人不是完全放棄,就是轉到facebook之類的social network。




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Filed by edmund at 11.31 am under Culture,Friends |


  1. Hilda

    Hey, mine is coming! It has been officially unveiled to myself only. Haha, still need some touch up before opening to the public. Welcome to my new corner later.

  2. Good, and promise us that you won’t quit easily.

  3. Vincent

    haha…I am not quiting…and haven’t left the blog world. It just taking extra time to transfer the blog from my phone to my blog…just too lazy!

    I will keep my blog update.

  4. huh? Vincent, you blog from your phone? That’s really hi-tech!

  5. Vincent

    Is really not hi-tech…is a sadness of someone who can’t type chinese in the computer.

    The process: Write on the phone —> transfer it to the computer —> From the document to the blog.

  6. Peggy


    u can download NJ Star Communicator for free (after 30 days it will prompt u to buy but just keep hitting “I agree”). It has many Chinese input methods (like 廣東拼音) useful for ppl like me who dunno traditional method (like 倉頡)。


    For those who want to type cantonese on windows, this is by far the best input method (I think). I have been a long supporter of it. And it’s only 6 bucks USD… well worth supporting this software developer. This input method uses common sense romanization rather than academic standards. e.g. For “moon”, rather than the using the awkward “jyut” (which some academic guys in CUHK invented), it uses “yuet” (which makes a lot more sense to us common people).

  8. Vincent

    Thanks for your feedback…

    Peggy, I tried the North Star before….however, didn’t give me any help. The program has too many 拼音, don’t know which one works. Thank you anyways, may be you can share which one are you using!!!

    Thank you Anson…I will take a look of that software.

  9. Fanny

    點解講講下update blog變成中文輸入法﹖哈哈….

    網絡世界﹐你永遠唔會知道有那些人讀過你個blog, 睇過你的私人相。有時真係會好驚 (唔係有乜唔見得光﹐驚是因為電腦的另一邊是一個頗黑暗的世界…….)
    寫blog太真赤裸會被恥笑白痴:咁既野都寫得出、諗得出。回到現實有時又要擺返個面具對人時要提醒自己o係blog度講過D乜﹐被抽後腳真的既尷尬又抵死。寫blog要顧讀者會有哪些人﹐顧心態顧後果﹐唔好公開呢樣個樣﹐特別我們基督徒﹐好怕失見證。 寫得咁辛苦﹐又何苦﹖如果只是講笑無內容無生命﹐那麼寫blog真的幾浪費時間。(寫親每個update, 用上起碼半小時﹐有時會加多幾行眼淚….) 真費神。

    我發現有個奇怪現象﹕面對面就無野講﹐問句你好嗎﹖答句幾好o丫﹗走人的人﹐返blog, msn…就雞啄唔斷。係咪變成網絡好友比親身交流更好﹖係咪真係忙到停一陣update下的時間都無﹖定係網絡世界己把人際關係轉型﹖好矛盾…

  10. I think ultimately, it is a personal decision. I’ll will just repeat what I said last year:

    “Blogging is a way of life. If you just think blogging is cool and so start your own, you will quit eventually. To blog means that you have a story to tell, and that you still have the passion to tell it. To blog means that you refuse to be devoured by the busyness and craziness of life; that you want to tell your story, instead of being told what your story should be.”

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