
the trail of a family becoming


同細佬Adrian 和 Jocelyn 做的專訪:

死唔死,來了四日(拍攝時),「我鍾意Hong Kong 多過 Canada…」

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Filed by edmund at 9.39 pm under Family,Music |


  1. Anson


  2. Anson

    People are complaining about the disturbing halloween decorations in the malls of HK. Since you guys seem to be in the mall, do you think it is disturbing also for your child?

    Well, I would just say, 小心行mall.

    P.S. 我收番個「死」字 =)

  3. 契女

    wah wah… i miss my students soooo much. Please say “Hello” to them for me.

    Glad to hear that you are having a good time in Hong Kong. So envious when seeing you wearing short-sleeves t-shirt….it’s probably going to snow in the next 2 weeks here!

  4. In terms of Halloween, I have my own view. Yes, it is everywhere now in HK (mall & stuff). But when you think of it, here is another chance for sales, another chance to be entertained, I wonder why it takes so long for the corporate people in HK to recognize its $$ potential?

    Maybe I am reading too many stuff about Xians complaining this and that these days, so I would just say — stop complaining, and start spending more time with your kids, so that they actually LISTEN to you as parents, and that you can be 1 of the many influences (like it or not, you are just that), in their lives.

    Or, we can choose to complain forever for the endless new “issues” in society, but at the end, nothing and no one will change.

    In terms of alternative (and subversive) Halloween activities, I suggest people to take a look at what the CofE have been doing for the last few years.

  5. Peggy

    Not necessarily a bad thing geh….at least they might have motivation to learn Chinese…

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