
the trail of a family becoming


記念耶酥被殺,釘身十字架前一星期,稱為「聖週」的時間即將開始。英國的Nick Page 製作了一個讀經表。以馬可福音作為藍圖,從中選取每一天相關的經文,以供閱讀。

This is a day by day guide to Holy Week, with the relevant passages from the gospels, and a suggested timetable for reading them.

The idea is that you can follow the events of the Longest Week by ‘reading along’ day by day. So, if an event happened early in the morning, that’s when you do the reading.

It’s designed to be folded to A5 so it’s handier for storing in Bibles, etc.

[link: | HT: maggidawn]


另外,AFC也在這週為我們預備了一個靈修體驗:8 days。大力推薦!

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Filed by edmund at 3.29 pm under Faith |

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