
the trail of a family becoming

Modern Day Slavery in Canada

From EFC:

A Report on Modern Day Slavery in Canada (2009)

This 30-page report reviews recent experience with human trafficking in association with major international events and recommends action that may be taken by the Canadian, British Columbia and Vancouver governments in preparation for the 2010 Olympic Games and beyond.

Human trafficking, the capture and confinement of individuals for the purposes of sexual exploitation, abuse and enslavement, occurs today at an alarming rate (an estimated 12.3 million people are coerced into forced labour or sexual exploitation around the world). What many find shocking is that it occurs in Canada and that Canada is used as both a transfer location and a destination country for human traffickers.

This report reviews and considers current steps being taking relative to the prevention of trafficking, the prosecuting of traffickers and the protection of victims and recommends further steps that the government of Canada can undertake to better reduce, and one day hopefully eliminate, trafficking in Canada and beyond.

[link: EFC]

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