
the trail of a family becoming











Filed by edmund at 11.16 pm under Faith |


  1. 哈哈!很多朋友都用email和電話回應,thank you so much!!



  2. 我會跟公禱書逐段禮儀解囉。


    我覺得可以嘅話,都應該要俾佢地知一點簡單的 theology of baptism (唔一定全部都要從 pragmatic 的信徒生活開始講),因為第日其他人問起點可以洗禮,佢地講嘅解釋就可以製造或拆毀彷間好多對於洗禮嘅 myths。

    仲有,聖公會嘅洗禮亦都 emphasize community 嘅 participation 和責任,但係好多人都唔知點做,所以我相信可以係洗禮班處 elaborate 吓落實點樣 support 大家嘅 baptism covenant.

    Stanley Grenz 本 Created for Community: Connecting Christian Belief with Christian Living 個 structure 幾好。好重 community sense 同埋我地係個 overarching biblical story line 嘅位置、身份和參與。值得參孝一下。

  3. Anson, is it true that you guys @GS are doing baptism by immersion?

  4. We have a baptist church building, so it’s possible.
    We let it be an individual’s preference.
    Some youngsters do immersion, while babies, middle-aged, and elders usually do sprinking instead.

    Isn’t it nice to embrace both methods?

    I don’t know if my pastor will go as far as going to the ocean, hehe.
    I would wanna try that if I can =)

  5. 我把我覺得最重要, 而又有很多教會都沒有講的提出吧...

    但實際上/伸展下去的是” 受了水禮是不是等於入了少林寺..就等於我是名門正派?...其他方法的水禮..或有地方唔係用水禮war, 不同教會有不同的禮儀和規則....別人如果是用點水禮的, 是不是等於沒有受洗呢? 是不是信了就一定要受洗....人地唔洗是不是有問題? 是不是就不能算是一個基督徒? 是不是沒有做浸水禮就等於不是基督徒……在面對別人既挑戰時..應該如何回應....”

    <---真的, 我有碰過情況...有人會說..如果不是浸水禮的, 只是點水禮...或沒有水禮就不是名門正派...就不是正宗基督徒.....


  6. Hilda

    Hi long time no see….

    It seems that I missed lots of discussion recently. :)

    Hmm, 6 lessons… (I assume the one who is going to be baptized has gone through another course similar to 初信成長. Then I would suggest the following:

    1) What is Baptism? Why baptism is important? What does the bible say?
    2) How did Jesus Christ set the example to be baptized? Under what circumstances were the other apostles and believers baptized recorded in the bible?
    3) How do different denominations interpret baptism? Some stress that baptism is 聖禮, some stress that it is just a kind of witnessing.
    4) What the myths, the questions people generally will raise? e.g. Will the criminal who crucified beside Jesus be saved? Will the one who believes but was not baptized be saved?
    5) What does the church you are attending stress / interpret? A brief history of the church including the background, who are the deacons, the structure etc. I think it is very important as it will be the foundation the baptized to hold in the future.
    6) Quiz, interviews and pray for each others.

  7. Thanks for all your feedback.

  8. Anson: Pastorally, I do think baptism by immersion has a greater impact and more inline with the Exodus imagery, even though theologically, I can accept both (I was baptized by sprinkling).
  9. Alolos: Yes, I have heard many people uneducated comments about Baptism as well. Thanks for the suggestions.
  10. Hilda: Yes, your suggestion presuppose something like a 12-week course on basic faith. Interesting enough, such assumption can vary greatly, depends on how one church sees the meaning of Baptism! Nonetheless, good suggestions indeed. And I will keep in mind about the “pray for each other” part…

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