
the trail of a family becoming

Mac typing annoyance

Ever since I switch to macbook, I have this occasional problem — When I am typing a email, or a word document or something — when I am typing, sometimes my cursor will move all of a sudden to a completely different line and place, I have absolutely no idea why this is happening.

It does not matter if I am using Thunderbird, MS Word or other programs. And it does not matter I am typing English or inputting Chinese through openVanilla or other input methods. And it does not matter I am using the macbook keyboard or my bluetooth keyboard…

Anyone has any idea why?

[This happened also when I was typing this email! The blinking cusor all of a sudden move 3-4 lines up (and in the middle of a word) when I was typing…]

Did I hit a shortcut key or something by accident, you think?

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Filed by edmund at 1.16 pm under Tech |


  1. never encounter this…

    my advice to you is to make an appointment with a “genius” at Apple Store and see what they say. Bring your MacBook and demonstrate to them.

  2. My mouse pointer used to jump erratically, to the lower left hand corner. I don’t remember when, but after some updates, it went away. So maybe it has something to do with the software too.

    Maybe your trackpad is firing off random signals, even without you touching it. See if it needs to get fixed.

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