
the trail of a family becoming

OpenVanilla 聯想詞模組


上網尋索,才發現原來lukhnos 早已開發了聯想詞功能的alpha版。雖說為Tiger跟Leopard版的OV,但在Snow Leopard安上,so far so good。

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Filed by edmund at 4.48 pm under Tech |


  1. Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou!!!
    This is exactly what I need, but never got time to search for.

    I also wanted to find a word frequency list and sort the word choices based on frequency….. have you noticed the word 義 is way back in page 19? This is an annoyance for us who need to type it often.

  2. Andy

    you may try this:

    i think it’s a one-stop solution which is better than OV

  3. peggy

    i’m still using NJ star….

  4. Anson: you are welcome. And that’s why I have the .cin alias on the desktop so I can edit the list often.
    Andy: I will give it a try. I just googled it and read it is using the same OV .cin format. So adding cantonese input (the only IME I know…) should be simple.
    Peggy: So you are on the 787321236123 days after the trial version expired?

  5. peggy

    yes! hahahah

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