
the trail of a family becoming

Read any interesting stuff lately?

My next book-purchase is coming. Any recommendation from you this time? Read anything interesting lately?

Let me know.

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Filed by edmund at 3.28 pm under Culture,Faith |


  1. Just started “Care of the Soul” by Thomas Moore. Seems interesting. (Aside: the copy that I borrowed from Regent’s library was originally owned by the late Stanley Grenz, with his signature!)

  2. peggy

    well this might not be your taste….


    漫畫 One Out – 主角的計謀精彩到我大聲笑了出來

  3. Justo

    Hey Ed! Read John Milbank’s Theology and Social Theory: Beyond Secular Reason. IT IS CHANGING MY LIFE!!! Well, OK, throw in Charles Taylor’s A Secular Age, Jose Casanova’s Public Religions in the Modern World, and Stanley Hauerwas’s With the Grain of the Universe for multiple perspectives on the issue, but OMG OMG OMG, Milbank is SO GOOD!

  4. @Peggy: Haha…. you never know, you never know…. : )
    @Justin: My goodness, you are reading Milbank? Wow…. give me some pointers as to how to understand him. I haven’t read any of his works when I was in seminary.

  5. peggy

    haha…actually i might have something to add to your reading list later…..

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