
the trail of a family becoming




  1. 你能做的,比你想像中少。
  2. 若你有甚麼鴻圖大計,還是請你盡早收回,並相信我:對教會來說,這會是件好事。
  3. 你的首要任務是獲取會眾的信任。
  4. 很多時候,這等於說,你要願意比其他人,多走一里路。
  5. 越強調自己和別人(會眾 / 牧者)觀念上的差別,越難獲得信任。
  6. 別人的意見就算多錯(你以為),也要用心的聽。
  7. 你是否有領導能力,在於別人能否在不自覺的情況下,而非會議擂台上,給你改變(或說「擊倒」)。
  8. 若是以對立的態度推行變革,歷史稱之為「革命」,沒有幾個是成功的。
  9. 這不是有否guts的問題,而是你究竟為了說明自己對、別人錯?還是真的希望教會能有所改變。
  10. 和你視之為「阻住地球轉」的人一樣,你也需要留心聖靈對教會的微聲和帶領。而祂的方式和內容,往往並非如你所料。

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Filed by edmund at 4.17 pm under Faith |


  1. 非常認同

  2. Thanks Edmund for these wise words. I find each one of them worth chewing on. I guess once I step into real pastoral ministry, it’ll be a totally different world, and I won’t have the luxury to be idealistic as a seminarian anymore. Yet I hope I will not be crushed by the harsh realities and become subservient to the status quo, losing hope in seeing any changes happening. I’ll have to constantly hold the tension between the biblical ideals and the realistic situations, and be patient for the Lord’s workings. That’s the toughest part of pastoral ministry, right?

  3. @Anson, these are just words I wish I knew when I was still in seminary (yet I am sure I probably wouldn’t listen myself). While fully understand seminary education is crucially idealistic, I continue to see myself as the one who truly needs change.

    No, I never loose hope in seeing changes, yet my search continues as to what is truly biblical, and how real is our perception on what we call “reality”.

    As Alan said, stating the obvious is rather easy, yet we need to go beyond (and get over) that, and learn how to follow the Spirit of God.

  4. Agent001

    我認為綜合一句﹐就是要搞 “和平演變”﹐而不是“抗爭路線”。

  5. 哈哈agent001,你的是「準牧者給老餅牧者回敬的一句話」:「唔好咁長氣」!

    你們都清楚我的背景,我走過的正是抗爭路線,所以我不是為打沉一眾神學生而說這些話。只是,眼見他們在神學院的時間,孕育了一種「教會如此不濟」的負面態度,導至(1) 不屑在現存的教會牧養,而開一壇又一壇的所謂「新嘢」,(2) 在現存教會事奉,卻又認定了會眾/其他牧者都有問題, 這種「以一敵百」的心態雖然會叫自己英雄感(或曰「殉道感」)大增,但卻無助真正推行教會改革。


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