
the trail of a family becoming

聽Chris Wright一堂課的後想…

今天去了Chris Wright 在Tyndale 的一日特別講座。講座內容的大部份是他的大部頭Mission of God的雞精版。只是最後的一部份加入了他的新作Mission of God’s People的內容。

不過不要緊。因為每次我聽到有人努力將聖經的overaching story 表達出來的時候,我總是十分雀躍的。不少時候,我們讀經的所謂「領受」,是「只見樹不見林」的。我們逐句逐字的研究和推敲,有時令我們忘卻了why it says what it says,只管急於問what does it mean to me?

Chris Wright 基本上問的也是NT Wright 的Worldview 問題:Who are we? Where are we? What time is it? What is wrong? What is the solution? 不過作為舊約學者,他精彩在大量指出OT/NT的「相互指涉」之處(intertextuality),並這種關係怎樣unfold this one Mission of God。這樣的解讀,相當接近 Bartholomew & Goheen 在Drama of Scripture 的描述。另外,正如Chris Wright自己所說,他的舊約倫理研究背景,在寫 Mission of God的時候,正好與他對Mission的熱衷,完美地結合起來,讓他更能了解:”God’s people are chosen (for mission) to be different (= ethics)”.

本來有個問題想問他(不過後來因聽見Q&A也要錄音而打消 了,哈!):第二聖殿時期的猶太教,是否屬悉這樣的一個Mission of God?當時猶太教本身的宣教工做得怎樣?是他們忘記了作為「外邦人的光」的身分?(用NT Wright的話是”solution becomes the problem”)。他們的策略(我的基本印象)是Come and see the difference。為什麼跟初期教會的Go and tell 有這麼大的分別?今日的教會,怎樣避免再一次”solution becomes the problem”?耶穌在十字架上成就的,令教會跟昔日的以色列人在使命上,有甚麼基本的分別(we already understand the obvious similarities e.g Ex.19:4-6, 1 Peter 2:9 etc… )?


Update: Here are the recordings and ppt slides of Chris Wright’s lecture @ Tyndale

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Filed by edmund at 1.22 am under Faith |


  1. God Who Is There, The: Finding Your Place in God’s Story by D. A. Carson

    I saw this in the bookstore today. Another great book on the overaching biblical narrative.

    It comes with a leader’s guide too!

  2. And Sydney’s Matthias Media also created a course, reading the bible as one unfolding story:

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