
the trail of a family becoming

Juvenilization of Christianity

I couldn’t agree more with Bergler’s diagnostic. My hope is that his remedies will live up to that.

Interview with Thomas Bergler on his book The Juvenilization of American Christianity.

[link: EerdWord]

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Filed by edmund at 9.53 am under Faith |


  1. I just recently read Eugene Peterson’s Contemplative Pastor and he talks about the spread of the adolescent experience upward through the generations, which is characterized by 2 things: 1) the sense of inadequacy (which leads to constant admiration of other people’s competence and end up making idols to worship) and 2) historical amnesia (i.e. “have no feeling for the past, for precedents and traditions, and so have no perspective in making judgments or discerning values”, which leads to reinventing the wheel all the time, and end up lacking perseverance in doing anything.)
    Check out pp. 121-128 if you have that book.

    And it’s amazing Peterson wrote this more than 20 years ago….

  2. Yes, that’s a very inspiring book I read during my early years as a pastor. And I have gone back to Peterson time and time again for wisdom and deep spiritual reflection. He is truly a prophet of our times!

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