
the trail of a family becoming

Pan’s Labyrinth

若然路益師的「獅子•女巫•魔衣櫥」(The Lion the Witch and the Wardrobe)面對著一面鏡子的話,它的倒影就必然是「魔間迷宮」(Pan’s Labyrinth)。以童話故事的形式去顛覆童話故事本身;整齣電影留下一種「大時代,小心靈」不能磨滅的憂傷。搖籃曲的主調永恆地襯托著整套電影。現實和幻想的兩個世界不斷的交叉出現。但究竟,哪個才是真實和終極?



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Filed by edmund at 6.18 pm under Culture,Faith |

One Comment

  1. Vincent

    That’s a pretty good film…I like the flow and the tone of the movie. Look like a tale, but is full of darkness and sadness of the reality.

    I watch it on plane and still haven’t finish the ending.

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