
the trail of a family becoming


早前在Chris Wright講座想到的一個問題,其實也是我一直問的:到底Kingdom of God的信息跟十字架的關係是甚麼?我留意的現象是,近年越是著重Kingdom 信息的信徒和教會,對耶穌在十字架上所成就的到底是甚麼,就越見含糊。不是說我們是新以色列嗎?不是說天國已經近了,在我們中間嗎?那耶穌為什麼還要走上十字架?

誰不知,這不只是我的問題,喜見TGC 的Justin Taylor有一篇短文,提到Greg Gilbert的新書和他在T4G的錄音。

另外,Scot McKnight在CT關於耶穌和保羅的文章,其實也是問同樣的問題。(Michael Bird在IBR對N.T. Wright的回應也是一例)

Filed by edmund at 1.55 pm under Faith |


  1. I’m writing a paper on missional church right now.
    Lesslie Newbigin’s missional ecclesiology is quite Christocentric.
    Check out Michael Goheen’s dissertation on Newbigin:

    I personally believe that kingdom cannot be divorced from the cross, or else it’ll go down the same route just as missio dei has bypassed the church.

  2. Anson, I know you are busy writing your papers. But later on I would love to see what you mean by “missio dei bypassing the church”.

    I can see much of the missional ecclesiology can be Christocentric, in the sense that Jesus has brought the kingdom with his incarnation. But the question remains as to what the purpose is for His death and resurrection.

  3. Agent001

    I read McKnight’s article a week ago. I like his Christocentric focus: The cross is the means through which the kingly rule of God is brought in and eventually consummate.

    I’m not entirely sure what your issue/question is though.

  4. Samuel, my question is simple: What is the purpose of the cross in God’s kingdom? And as you said, was the cross necessary to establish the kingly rule of Jesus as Lord (Phil 2)? Was He not the firstborn of creation (Col 1) all along?

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