
the trail of a family becoming

Reflection Effect


Reflection Effect in Powerpoint 2003 or earlier.








A major face-lift on the site. What do you think? I like it very much since it is clean and compact. As people’s monitors size are getting bigger, I think a 3-column layout should be okay compare to a few years back.

I spent most of the time dealing with the smallest of things. Do you see the tiny picture on the top right? I have to use GD to crop and resize the image on-the-fly (yes, it randomly picks from my gallery each time there is a refresh call), so that it will look nice from a rectangular shape photo originally, to a 42 by 42px square eventually.

If you notice anything not working properly, please let me know.

Alternatives can be good…

Trillian, Firefox, AVG, Audacity, 7-zip… these are superior alternatives to a lot of $$ and/or crappy software you might use everyday.

Here is a recent list provided by LifeHacker.

Fighting spam comments

To fight the super-annoying spam comments, I am now using wp-spamfree. With it, you don’t need to enter any word or character from the captcha image anymore!! Seems like it is working pretty well, for it says that WP-SpamFree has blocked 184 spam comments since I installed it yesterday!

Can you do me a favor and do some comment-testing to see if it is really working properly?

Update: Thanks Chung for suggesting, I am now giving Akismet another try.

My genes make me do it… no?

Dr. Dean Ornish shares new research that shows how adopting healthy lifestyle habits can affect a person at a genetic level. For instance, he says, when you live healthier, eat better, exercise, and love more, your brain cells actually increase. And new findings show that a healthier lifestyle can turn off disease-provoking genes and turn on the good ones.

Learn how to use your tools

If you made the decision to use powerpoint as your tool to do presentations, for heaven’s sake, learn how to use it!!! I mean, learn how to use it effectively and engagingly.

Just a couple pointers:

Johnny Lee: Wii Remote Hack

Instead of being just a video game couch potato, or spoil your children and turn them into the next video game couch potato, take a look at how amazing it is when creativity, knowledge and a compassionate heart come together can do with a simple device, and change the lives of many.

Johnny Lee demos his amazing Wii Remote hacks, bending the $40 game part so it powers a digital whiteboard, a multitouch display and a head-mounted 3-D viewer.

[TED, Johnny Chung Lee]