
the trail of a family becoming

Jesus Tomb, Talpiot Tomb

Yup, here we go again.

(check out the initial reactions from here, here, here and here). 

For me, I am just sick and tired of it and the people who make money from it. I thought about not blogging on this, but I know I will be asked as we get closer to the official release date, so….. 


Update (Mar 07 2006):

As the show has been aired in North America and more data has been issued regarding the tomb and ossuaries, I would like to link to a few more learned and concluding remarks:

  1. Has the Tomb of Jesus Been Discovered? (Jodi Magness)
  2. The alleged 'Jesus family tomb' (Richard Bauckham), and Addenda and Corrigenda on Marian Name (Richard Bauckham)
  3. The "Jesus Family Tomb" Statistics: Further Developments (HT: Mark Goodacre)
  4. Statistics And The "Jesus Family Tomb" (Randy Ingermanson)
  5. The Tomb of Jesus and Family? Second Thoughts (Craig Evans)

Unless there is any major revision or discussion on the subject, this is my last post on it.