
the trail of a family becoming

Comments Preachers Hate Most

John Ortberg helps preachers dealing with post-sermon remarks.

How many of them have you heard and/or said?

Preaching is a mysterious business, and in some ways it’s more mysterious to me now than when I started out. Sometimes the message you wish you could put in the discard pile will be the one God uses to change someone’s life. Giving a bad message can bring just the humility you need to remember that preaching—and the kingdom in general—is never subject to human management or control.

What should we aim to hear when we’re done preaching? After Jesus’ first sermon, people were cut to the heart, and they asked what they needed to do to be saved. That’s not a bad response to pray for. It sure beats Ruga Ruga Ruga.

Read the whole thing here.

[link: leadership journal]


Lazy Preacher

Jim’s take on lazy preacher showing the congregation DVD’s of other preachers preaching.