
the trail of a family becoming

Mary and Max

Forget Avatar and others, I think Mary and Max is indeed the best film of 2009. Yes, all of us are not perfect, and good that we have imperfects like Mary and Max telling us just that.

Go get a copy and watch it. You’ll be glad that you did.

Dear Mary, please find enclosed my entire Noblet collection as a sign that I forgive you. When I received your book, the emotions inside my brain felt like they were in a tumble dryer, smashing into each other. The hurt felt like when I accidentally stapled my lips together. The reason I forgive you is because you are not perfect. You are imperfect, and so am I. All humans are imperfect, even the man outside my apartment who litters. When I was young I wanted to be anybody but myself. Dr. Benard Hazelhof said if I was on a desert island, then I would have to get used to my own company. Just me and the coconuts. He said I would have to accept myself, my warts and all. And that we don’t get to choose our warts, they are a part of us and we have to live with them. We can, however, choose our friends. And I am glad I have chosen you. Dr. Hazelhof also said that everyone’s lives are like a very long sidewalk. Some are well paved. Others, like mine, have cracks, banana skins and cigarette butts. Your sidewalk is like mine, but probably not as many cracks. Hopefully one day our sidewalks will meet and we can share a can of condensed milk. You are my best friend. You are my only friend. Your American pen pal, Max Jerry Horovitz.

— Mary And Max

HBO: John Adams

HBO’s John Adams is certainly something that is worth to watch. It has won numerous Emmy and Golden Globe awards in 2008 & 09. Paul Giamatti (as Adams) and Laura Linney (as his wife, Abigail) are extraordinary in their performances.

Based on David McCullough’s Pulitzer Prize-winning biography, the 7-part miniseries taps into the uncertainty and intensity surrounding the birth of the American republic and its first 50 years. With the fervent support of his wife Abigail (Linney), and through a lifelong political rivalry and friendship with Thomas Jefferson (Stephen Dillane), Adams rose to be the leader of the American independence movement, the nation’s first ambassador to Holland and England, the first American Vice President, the second American President, and father of the sixth American President.

One thing you won’t expect is the visual effects employed throughout the miniseries. Check this check:

And trust me, you don’t have to be a historian in order to enjoy this!


Why Everything Must Change 的 conference 裡,第一次真正聽Baxter Kruger 分享,講的是他最精的三一神學。聽罷,有一種不能不讚嘆神的激動。所以,風聞種耔為他出小書 Parable of the Dancing God 的中文版,我則寫了個書介,期望更多華語信徒能經歷這種恩悅。

[link: seedxpress]



  1. How to Be Evangelical without Being Conservative
    怎樣說呢?若你認為作為福音派就必定等於立場保守,並且要義無反顧地擁護Religious right 的原則價值,那麼這本書並不適合你。這本我quote了好幾次的書,作者的重點不是要說服你他所有的論點都正確,而是要向你提供,一個又一個作為福音派,可以progressive的可能。就這點來說,我是帶著興奮和期待地看的。因為「福音派」實在被「基要主義」和「保守主義」騎劫得太久了。
  2. 于丹VS易中天——當論語遇上三國
    因《百家講壇》而帶動的國學熱,我越讀越發現,兩人對歷史人物的解說/心得,其實很接近信徒的那種「靈修分享」。而學者就兩人對歷史人物的解讀(誤讀)而作的評擊,就更接近Historical Jesus vs. Christ of Faith的爭論。雖然在討論中他們提到並非將《論語》或《三國》當成基督教的聖經來讀,但他們所了解的所謂「讀聖經」,並非今日信徒的讀經。他們所反對的,其實是將某些經集看為絕對權威,那不問因由就推崇備致的表現。但若說將古典經卷讀進日常生活中,好像今天教會鼓勵信徒在生活中「應用」聖經,就這一點上,于丹和易中天對華文經典的看法,確實很像基督教對聖經的看法。
  3. 孩子,你慢慢來

Intelligent Church

早前讀過Change Agent一書,留意書背推介同作者的Intelligent Church,於是好奇之下,也買來讀了。

不想多談作者之前關於Penal Substitution 所引起軒然大波。但作者所觀察,關於今日教會的形象在非信徒中已出現極大問題,卻是相當的認同(是類似UnChristian一書的觀點)。例如作者留意,今日的非信徒可以清楚告訴你一堆接一堆,教會所反對的事情,但若問「教會所持守、所力爭的(uphold and fight for what?)是甚麼?」,相信教外(甚至教內)的人也不一定能答得上幾個。









每章最後都有一個叫”Yes, But How?”的小段,用意是好的,但細讀之下,發覺內容與標題並不一定相關;所說的,我不覺得屬「怎樣」的指引,或者似某人的讀後感想多一點;這算是書中敗筆的地方。反而每段的問題思考,更加踏實和可行。




  1. Intelligent Church
  2. Inclusive Church
  3. Messy Church
  4. Honest Church
  5. Purposeful Church
  6. Generous Church
  7. Vulnerable Church
  8. Political Church
  9. Diverse Church
  10. Dependent Church
  11. Transforming Church

[Intelligent Church | 推介 | 試閱 ]

Darker than the Dark Knight

Do I really look like a man with a plan, Harvey? I don’t have a plan. The mob has plans, the cops have plans. You know what I am, Harvey? I’m a dog chasing cars. I wouldn’t know what to do if I caught one. I just DO things. I’m a wrench in the gears. I HATE plans. Yours, theirs, everyone’s. Maroni has plans. Gordon has plans. Schemers trying to control their worlds…

…Nobody panics when the expected people get killed. Nobody panics when things go according to plan, even if the plans are horrifying. If I tell the press that tomorrow a gangbanger will get shot, or a truckload of soldiers will get blown up, nobody panics. But when I say one little old mayor will die, everyone loses their minds! Introduce a little anarchy, you upset the established order, and everything becomes chaos. I am an agent of chaos. And you know the thing about chaos, Harvey? It’s fair.

The Joker in The Dark Knight (2008).

Without spoiling the plot, I can tell you this: It is DARK. It is sheer terror. I mean, yes it is certainly one of those Hollywood Blockbusters. But it is more. Yes, you will love the gadgets, the effects, the car chase, the explosions, but in the end, it is that 4-letter word that will stay and linger — EVIL.

Not those Japanese blood-coming-out-of-the-nose-and-eyes evil, not those monster-looking-with-slimy-glue-dripping-out-from-the-body evil. It is evil in absence with all those things. It is the twisted mind, the irrationality, the lack of any motives or reasons to do or not do…

There is no logic to evil. It is not the opposite of Good, but the absence of it. And just how frail are we humans? Just look at DA Harvey Dent; look at those people on the 2 ferries; look around…

I don’t think I need to say more for you to understand what the movie is trying to say: No, we don’t need a hero. In fact, there is no need for a superhero. The White Knight has failed, and the Dark Knight is no hero neither. Gotham needs someone who can avert such despicable evil. One that can put things right.

Out of such incredible darkness, we need someone that can bring us dawn.

We need a Savior.

以中東文化重看耶穌 (9)


Bailey, Kenneth E.
Jesus Through Middle Eastern Eyes: Cultural Studies in the Gospels


Part 3: The Lord’s Prayer
9. The Lord’s Prayer: God’s Kingdom and Our Bread: Matthew 6:10-11



天國(或 神的國)在新約中,呈現3個的弔詭的真理:(1)天國是「在」也是「不在」。(2)天國是「近」也是「遠」。(3)天國是「可知」也是「不可知」。祈求天國降臨地上的人,眼光超越了個人的需要,越過個人和所屬的群體,在人類歷史中,找緊一個更新我們「生之所事」的宏大敘事(metanarrative)。因為這禱告並不是一個消極的空盼望,而是有方向、有內容的(更)新異象。Bailey指出,「爾旨得成,在地若天」一句,充份說明了今日信徒不能不關心世上的議題。約18.36「我的國不屬這世界」絕不能成為信徒不問世事的借口,因為耶穌說的「不屬」(not out of)是說明來源的問題(=並非來自這世界),然而神的國卻真真實實的這世界。


  1. 強調時間:
    1. 今日的糧
    2. 明日的糧(如出埃及時的嗎哪)
  2. 強調數量:
    1. 緊夠的糧(夠維持生命而已)
    2. 需用的糧

關鍵是中文聖經譯作「日用」一字,在希臘文的歷史中從未出現,意義難明。而我們歸納了早期教父對這句經文的解釋,得出以上的4個可能。Bailey相信,4個可能是出於同一個來源。他從二世紀古敘利亞新約抄本,留意到經文為 Lahmo ameno diyomo hab lan(中譯是 「不缺之糧,今日賜給我們」Give us today the bread that does not run out)。敘利亞文在多方面跟耶穌用的亞蘭文極為相似。故此,古敘利亞的新約抄本,可以說是將希臘文的新約,「還原」作耶穌所用的語言。若以此為原來的句語,則可以包含以上4個往後流傳的觀點。這是一個在恐懼中得釋放的祈求:求每天不用擔懮是否有足夠的食物。


以中東文化重看耶穌 (8)


Bailey, Kenneth E.
Jesus Through Middle Eastern Eyes: Cultural Studies in the Gospels


Part 3: The Lord’s Prayer
8. The Lord’s Prayer: God’s Holiness: Matthew 6:9



進入關於「願人都尊你的名為聖」的討論。Bailey提出這是divine passive的句法。這祈求實際上是祈求主聖化祂自己的名(註:這不同於和合本的翻譯。不是「願人尊」,而是「願你的名被(神自己)聖化」)。但為何要聖化呢?



再比較主禱文首兩句,Bailey留意這是耶穌教導上主的愛(天上的亞爸)和聖潔(願你的名為聖)的特質。但聖潔和愛怎能並存?借用何西亞先知為例,Bailey指出,當「聖潔—愛」(holy love)的神遇見不潔的創造,聖潔使祂不能坐視不理(不同於溺愛),而因著愛,所以神主動拯救(單單聖潔則不會)。
