
the trail of a family becoming


Anson那邊提到胡牧十年前的觀察「為何信徒會離開的因素」,並回應Alan而提到一些「尋回失羊」的想法。我也想湊湊熱鬧,從現存教會(Existing church)和新植教會(New church plant)兩個角度,加一點意見。


  1. 社會因素 –「現存教會」要講「職場神學」不難,難是難在要會友和領導者就「職場神學」的視野而對所謂「教會事工」的觀念作出相應和真實的改變(所謂「減事工」)。要加一堂週六崇拜亦不難,難是要將一個本來300人的崇拜一分為二(你不能只要求條件合適,才允許別人去週六敬拜),而事奉崗位卻多了一倍,若形式上不簡化,這是沒有可能的(更不要說那些要有300人陪你敬拜,才自覺這個教會「似樣」之人,怎樣幫助他們接受,甚至嚮往這個改變…)。另一方面,「新植教會」的挑戰在於領導的核心小組有多少固有的包伏。主日(週日)敬拜是否事在必行的規條,若由小組(house group 一類)主導,那麼敬拜的重心就是communal,而不是temporal( 一週內的那一天…),這樣就能較有彈性來回應這個社會因素的挑戰。
  2. 成長因素 –- 我見過的「現存教會」雖然有辦過甚麼小組和mentoring 訓練,但到頭來,受訓者個個只想做學徒,不做mentor,於是計劃就爛尾收場。另外,也是那句,要做這些,教會其實是需要先加programs,不是cut。至少,這一大堆不同功能和重心的小組組長怎樣衍生?若然帶領者(牧者和其他)不能得著會眾的認可,減少本來的工作,先專注這樣的訓練和支援,這些建議就只有得個「恨」字。另一邊,「新植教會」的問題是人手。要有這樣仔細的功能小組是不可能的。面對「教會不關心」的投訴,真正的問題是「教會的受薪同工不關心」,但這實在是錯誤的期望。 「平信徒牧養」必須從一開始就注入群體中,不然,教會的發展就只能侷限在一兩個受薪同工的身上。個個等關心…
  3. 關係因素 –- 我同意代禱的工作必須加強。「現存教會」內的恩怨情仇不易解決。所以,我在不同的場合中都提出過,作「復和使者」的重要。今天在教會中,做「使人和睦的人」之需要實在大得很。或者,我們最少可否做個「不再加增恩怨」的人呢?所以,「新植教會」必需一起步就有清晰的異像,你若看不見使命和你被召成為基督徒的原因,並且每天為此而行,你只會往內看,小小事也變成天一樣的大,關係放在顯微鏡下看,自然問題一籮籮。
  4. 事工因素 –- Cut programs固然重要,但要小心,聚會減少了不一定代表人人就懂得在自己的工作祭壇中努力,因此,教導中必須在早期先加入一些明顯的,容易完成,並可以有看得見的結果之應用。另外,要減事工,我們要預備會眾去接受。比方說,我們聚會不設託兒,人手減了,但我們就要預期小朋友走來走去的騷擾。不但如此,我們更需要讓到會帶有子女之人,不會因為不好意思而以後不來。相反,我們要讓他們看見我們是歡迎這樣的混亂。又例如,我們可否返回用 overhead 的年代,而不用powerpoint?在這presentation 等於一切的年代,我們預備好嗎?要想清楚,教會中,真的有甚麼是可以cut的,並且作為帶領者,我們怎樣預備弟兄姊妹,去歡迎這個cut?這實在是關鍵。
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Filed by edmund at 4.26 pm under Faith |


  1. re: 1. marketplace theology in church – i think the difficulty is, do we really see christian education or discipleship as training people to function in the marketplace, rather than training people to fulfill “walled-in-church” functions. sadly, marketplace theology is mostly only embraced as a “strategy” to reach more people, but not embraced as a foundation in ministry philosophy… how do we organize church activity to empower the people of God to be the church in the marketplace – that’s should be the real concern.

    re: 2. “受訓者個個只想做學徒,不做mentor,於是計劃就爛尾收場。” <- exactly! we now see education as entertainment. it feels good to acquire knowledge, but using those knowledge and skills is another thing.

    re: 3. relationship – we needed to be healed so much. the good news: the gospel is exactly about the restoration of life and relationship. we have hope. we definitely need to start exploring the mostly virgin land of healing and reconciliation ministry…

    re: 4. cutting program – we are too greedy. we want to achieve everything. if we can just focus on one thing and excel, that’ll be good enough. and true, we need to embrace the cost of focusing on a few…

    overall: i can see the spirit of consumerism at work behind all these difficulties… the church really needs to repent from her pride…

  2. Great analysis, Edmund.

    It’s great to see that as we throw these topics around, we can see things from different perspectives, work out the kinks with its complexity in view, and address practical issues that only one person could not have thought of.

    我話教會唔易做就真 =)

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