
the trail of a family becoming

Open your eyes. Look.

We are so out of sync with this world.

I mean, we, Christians.

Make it Chinese Christians.

Have you ever run into a situation when you suddenly (and finally) realized that the world you lived in, is nothing like you at all? That the world is much more messy than you can imagine or dare to admit? Did you notice that people outside your Christian “la-la-land” are way more complicated that you expected?

That, my friend, is called the REAL world.

Look around — look beyond those “happy faces” who show up on Sundays; look into the reality of what this world has become.


Don’t just make casual comments like “O my, this is such a twisted world”, “This country is so morally corrupted”, or “How can they do that”…

Stop that.


Look, for example, at what are on the selves as gifts for Mother’s day:

Household Guide for Dying
Surviving Divorce

… and many more.

You know what I mean? No, these are not your regular electronic-massage-chair gifts; not your average coffeemaker or juice-maker gifts.


Look how disconnected we are. How disconnected we have become.

And you tell me our archaic way of evangelism is still effective?


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Filed by edmund at 9.53 pm under Culture,Faith,Family |


  1. i recently really have this urge to rewrite the “4-laws” for this generation…

  2. Speaking of the Christian bubble, my church is contemplating on using this course material this summer for evangelism training:

    It is made by Campus Crusade, which has recently rebranded itself as “Power to Change”. I don’t know if it has made any improvements on those “4-laws”, but it seems pretty fresh in their approach. Check out the videos.

  3. Thank you Alan & Anson for your responses. Yes, if we are to rewrite the 4-laws, it will be a very different thing altogether… from the medium to its content.

    Anson, that material looks very interesting indeed. Maybe I should get a copy as well. Do you have a copy? What do you think of it?

  4. I’m still trying to get a copy into my hands to evaluate it. Just from looking at the preview videos, it seems like it specifically challenges the bubble Christians.

    It also seems to be narrative-based, helping you to learn how to tell your own story well. (That’s something what 4-laws is lacking…)

    I heard from my friend that it is also action-focused, where you have assigned action items for each week, encouraging you to really go out and talk to people.

  5. you have any idea how long (DVD) is each session?

  6. Justo

    You mean that the Chinese Christian bubble is not the real world?! What does that do for my research!??!?!

  7. > you have any idea how long (DVD) is each session?

    No idea… it seems to be a fairly new course…. can’t find much reviews on the web.

  8. haha…. Justin (I think that’s you, right?) What research?

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