
the trail of a family becoming










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Filed by edmund at 8.14 pm under Faith,John |


  1. Yeah, Thomas Torrance once said:

    “In our worship the Holy Spirit comes from God, uniting us to the response and obedience and faith and prayer of Jesus, and returns to God, raising us up in Jesus to participate in the worship of heaven and in the eternal communion of the Holy Trinity” (Theology in Reconstruction, Grand Rapids: Eerdmans, 1965, p.250)

    Heavenly worship has always been in progress. When we worship, we are merely drawn into the Son’s eternal love and worship of the Father through the Spirit. That alleviates both the worship leaders and the worshiping community the fear of not doing a good enough job to worship God.

    My professor Darrell Johnson said the incarnation is not effective only one way (bringing God to us), but two ways (also bringing us to God).

    “To pray in Jesus’ name and through him means that we enter into Jesus’ status in God’s favour, and invoke Jesus’ standing with God and the efficacy of his redeeming work (over against our own sinful deficits) to be given access to God. In this light, Christians do not properly approach God as an expression of some ill-founded sentimentality about God’s ‘daddy-hood’. Christians properly call God “Father” neither to make God ‘sire’ of the world or of us, nor because we want to deify fatherhood and maleness, but instead precisely because we enter into Jesus’ relationship to God as Father. We are to consider ourselves as enfranchised into Jesus’ sonship with God.” (Larry W. Hurtado, At the Origins of Christian Worship, p.107-8)

    Oh, how good it is to study Greek and how the truth!
    We really need more of this exposition in the church so that we can be freed by the truth.

  2. Yes, TF’s theology of worship is a summary of the early church Fathers: “By the Spirit, through the Son, to the Father”.

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