
the trail of a family becoming



  1. Scot McKnight 的 A Community Called Atonement。這是Living Theology Series 的第一炮,McKnight 可算是整個Emerging Movement的新約學術旗手。這本貫穿新舊約關於贖罪(Atonement)意義的表白,強調聖經除了「代贖」(Penal Substitution)作為重要的意像之外,還存在其他意像。McKnight的建議是用Identification for Incorporation來含概整個贖罪論。作者的目的不是要削減「代贖」的重要,而是提出需要更廣的意像,才能讀得通聖經中其他單從「代贖」解釋而會出現張力的經文。
  2. 粱文道的味覺現象學。這不是齋講飲食的書,亦不是菜譜。這是作者從飲食文化而展開的跨學科聯想。我對這樣的書有興趣,正因為我以為這樣的討論正正是這一代的信徒所缺乏和必需急起直追和再發現的。
  3. Rodney Clapp 的 A Peculiar People: The Church as Culture in a Post-Christian Society。這是我讀教會學的第一年課本。這本1996年的作品,現在再讀,先知味甚濃。我驚訝Clapp早在10年前,已經layout了所有現今教會討論得火紅火綠的議題。並且他的觀點,仍然是相當具前瞻性的。對他來說,基督教作為眾多文化(cultures)的一員,非但不會減弱其重要性,卻是她之可能再發聲的唯一出路。後基督國度(post-Christendom)的信徒必需放棄多數主義,重新了解自己的角色。


  1. A New Vision for Israel: The Teachings of Jesus in National Context
  2. 弱水三千



  1. 不看關於自己信仰的書好? 還是
  2. 看,但不問這本書的內容是否正確好?


  1. 根本不看關於自己信仰的書
  2. 看,但他們看的內容(容我粗俗的說),含有很多垃圾成分。作者是基於聯想、沒有證據的假設,多於建基於踏實的研究之上。






Time for some serious…. shopping!

No one was able to give me any pointers on good marketing and advertising books. Anyhow, I have already picked up Unstuck and The Elements of Persuasion, and I am enjoying the read very much.

Anyhow, here is my latest amazon order:

  1. The New Interpreter’s Bible : Acts – First Corinthians (Volume 10)
    • I really enjoyed Hays’ volume on Galatians from the same series. The format and discussions are to-the-point and relevant. I think it is time for me to engage in Wright’s commentary on Romans. I just have too many questions to ask!
  2. The Saving Righteousness of God: Studies on Paul, Justification and the New Perspective
  3. Colossians Remixed: Subverting the Empire
    • Keesmaat studied under Wright, and Walsh, a friend him, was my professor on Postmodernity and Christian engagement. Can you imagine that they had been writing this book ever since I studied at Wycliffe!
  4. Contours of Pauline Theology: A Radical New Survey of the Influences on Pauls Biblical Writings
    • Holland put strong emphasis on understanding Paul through OT, with the hoped-for New Exodus, now fulfilled in Christ, at the center of his reading strategy.
  5. Old Testament Theology: Israel’s Gospel
  6. Old Testament Theology: Israel’s Faith
    • 2 of Goldingay’s 3-vol magnum opus, using the narrative approach to understanding Israel’s story.

Time to buy some books!

It’s been a while since my last online book-purchase, what should I get this time?

Other than those on my wishlist, any interesting books you read recently which you care to recommend? Let me know!

Recent purchased…

Enough about Mozart (and other stuff). Here is a list of books I recently purchased (and/or are reading):


在sidebar的項目中有一個是“Books in Hand”,都是我正在看的書。我不時也會更新它。不過並非全部…


  1. 聖經 新譯本 〔清晨〕
  2. 1-2 Corinthians (NCBC) 〔有空檔的時候〕
  3. 哥林多前書—教會時弊的良方—愛 〔有空檔的時候〕
  4. 聖經 The Message 〔在車中〕
  5. 新品種的基督徒 〔如廁時〕
  6. 教會大變身–後現代教會發展新思維 〔睡前〕
  7. Prince Caspian 〔睡前〕




"The man who does not read good books has no advantage over the man who can’t read them."
—Mark Twain