Wright & Dunn on NPP
Tom Wright & James Dunn on The New Perspective on Paul:
[link: St John’s Nottingham @YouTube]
Tom Wright & James Dunn on The New Perspective on Paul:
[link: St John’s Nottingham @YouTube]
In response to Simon Gathercole’s recent article on CT, Scot Mcknight has started a series to introduce the NPP (New Perspective on Paul) to common readers.
NPP, according to Scot, is “The most significant development, outside of historical Jesus studies, in biblical studies in the last 50 years.”
Be sure to read them all.
Update (Aug 10 2007): Gathercole’s article is now online. [HT: Mark Goodacre]
No one was able to give me any pointers on good marketing and advertising books. Anyhow, I have already picked up Unstuck and The Elements of Persuasion, and I am enjoying the read very much.
Anyhow, here is my latest amazon order:
Michael Bird of Euangelion has a new book coming out called The Saving Righteousness of God: Studies on Paul, Justification and the New Perspective (Carlisle, UK: Paternoster, 2007). Looking at the endorsements from all camps, it seems to be a very interesting read, especially for those who are so confused about what NPP (and its criticisms) is all about.
Also, as mentioned before, Gordon Fee's Pauline Christology: An Exegetical-Theological Study is out as well (sample chapter here). A must-read!
NT Wright talks about his new book Simply Christian.
Here is the lecture online!
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I am quite sad about people simply discard Wright's contribution in Pauline theology and Christian faith in general when what he said is not in total accord with someone else's theology on Paul, or just what Christian faith is all about. When I heard people talking about the Emerging church movement, his name is always attached (I think, for the wrong reason) in the conversation with introduction like "Do you know this Tom Wright guy? He basically saying we have it all wrong and he tries to redefine n! (feel free to substitute n with anything foundational in your belief). And then the hour-long criticism on him and the whole NPP will normally ended with phrase like "I think they just got it all wrong."
I don't know, but isn't that obvious that one doesn't have to be in total accord with someone's views on EVERYTHING in order to appreciate the signficiant contributions one brings to further the discussion on any subject? When one is criticizing Wright and other NPP writers on their views against the reformers and their focus on the whole concept of semper reformanda, do they not in actuality affirm the accusation made against them?
No, I just find it hard to understand when someone discuss any piece of text, idea or research without understanding the context of where it is coming from. It is just a puzzle to me when we are talking about a discipline that itself is all so focus on context and background.
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